Many of us are habituated to doing some electrical projects using DIY methods. A little lack of knowledge or misuse of connections or circuit brakes can cause a serious mishap. So, a little patience or somewhat more learning about what are 30 amp double pole breakers used for can help you avoid such mishaps.
The double pole breakers with 30 amps are used for heavy electronics that require 240 volts of power and use two circuits. Such electronics are – heaters, dryers, stoves, ranges, boilers, etc. This is also used for connecting two hot wires to a single breaker.
Our content will help to understand pole breakers and apply your knowledge to your DIY projects. Let’s dive deep into the article.

What Is A Pole Breaker?
A pole breaker is a sort of circuit breaker. It is used for saving electrical circuits when there happens a mishap due to over-voltage or short circuits. When there is unusual electrical flow, a circuit breaker tackles the situation.
How many connections a circuit holds are recognized as pole numbers. When a circuit connects one pole, we identify it as a one or single-pole breaker. Vice versa, if a circuit connects two poles, we call it a double pole breaker.
Pole breakers are used to control the various electrical flow at different parts of circuits.
What Are An Amp And Its Relation With Pole Breakers?
Amp, full form ampere, is the measurement unit of electricity flow. When an ampere (amp) comes with a pole breaker, it means – how many amperes it can handle for the max. Suppose you have a 30-amp pole to use. That clarifies that your pole can handle 30 units (amp) of electrical current at its best level.
Different Capacity Pole Breakers
Various capacity holder pole breakers are available in the market to be used for various tasks. As a main breaker and entire on-off switch of a 2000 square feet house, a 200-amp breaker pole are enough. Depending on smaller sizes of buildings, a 150-amp to 100-amp pole will be enough, while smaller houses require at least 50-amp poles.
Other smaller pole breaker uses – 70-amp for AC or subpanels, 50-to-40-amp poles for ranges, 30-amp for various heaters and dryers, and 20-amp for baseboard heaters.
What Is A Double And Single Pole Breaker?
The meaning of the double pole breaker is inherent in its name. It has more capacity than a single pole. The main duty of these poles is to control the electric flow. How much of the electrical flow the poles can handle is measured by ampere (in short, amp). It can support up to 240 volts of electricity and 20-60 amperes.
A 20-amp double pole breaker can control 20-amp electricity in each pole; a total will be 40-amp. Taking place in the same circuit, it can connect two different conductors. A 20-amp double breaker can control just 20 amperes of electrical flow efficiently.
A single pole breaker connects with a single conductor of a circuit and contains half the capacity of a double breaker. Its capacity is measured by ampere, called amp in short. A 20-amp double breaker can control just 20 amperes of electrical flow efficiently.
A single pole breaker uses a hot and neutral wire, making it weaker. Single breakers support up to 120 volts and 15-20-amp only. In the USA, its use is rare.
What Are The Uses Of A 30-Amp Double Pole Breaker?
Typically, a 30-amp double pole breaker contains a higher capacity for handling electrical flow. In the actual measurement, this pole breaker can bear 240 volts of electricity and up to 60-amp of electrical flow. As per the law (voltage x current = watts), it supports 7200 watts (120x30x2= 7200).
When you use a more powerful electrical device, you need more electricity to run it. Here you need a double pole breaker. According to the power, a 30-amp double pole breaker can be used to set air conditioners, heaters, dryers, a long wiring system for a big house, electric ranges, electric stoves, etc.
Some medium commercial houses can also use this sort of pole breaker because they need a higher electrical flow to perform their regular operations. Here, they need a robust double pole breaker that can support them properly during unexpected voltage and short circuit overflows.
Higher electrical power-consuming devices require such pole breakers. You can use a double pole breaker with 30 amperes if you have such a device.
Read: What Appliances Need A Dedicated Circuit
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What needs a double pole breaker?
Some circuits, normally used for 240 volts, use double pole breakers. Heavy electrical appliances like air conditioners, electrical ranges, and water heaters use this double pole breaker too. This has another use – when two hot wires get connected to the same breaker.
How many watts can a 30 amp double pole breaker handle?
There is a law of defining watts for pole breakers. Voltage x current = watts. According to this law, a single breaker can handle 120 x 30 = 3600 watts. Thus, a double pole breaker can handle 7200 watts.
Should I use a single or double pole breaker?
You should use both poles. Most home outlet circuits use 120 volts, a single breaker’s power. So, you need a single pole breaker. Contrarily, the double pole breakers support 240 volts needed for water heaters, dryers, air conditioners, etc. So, you need a double pole breaker here.
What is the difference between a 30 amp single pole and a double pole?
Differences between the two poles are – a single pole can control one circuit and takes a power of 120 volts, whereas a double pole switch controls two circuits and requires a power of 240 volts.
We hope our presentation, what are 30 amps double pole breakers are used for, has properly eased the use of double poles. For which electrical device you are using these poles, they must match and support double pole breakers. Choosing the wrong pole breaker will lead you to accept unexpected results.
I’m James. The author of It’s been my passion to deal with power tools and gears. This website is mainly to talk about electrical wirings, lighting, various power source tools and accessories. I want to explore tackles and help people to grow their basic knowledge about electrical things. I would also like to help people to pick the right power tool for their daily needs.
Thank you so very much it has been a enlightening read now I get to tackle my hot water heater sincerely David hacker