In this hectic world, minutes of a power outage can cost your business a lot! Not only business, even for the homes, but a generator is also a must-have when we talk about uninterrupted electricity or power. But the generator you use might not be capable of providing every room or area power!
And this is where the name of the transfer switch comes in. It helps in switching a load between the two sources. But the work process is not as easy as it sounds! Do you know how does a generator transfers switch works?
Here is the basic idea of the generator transfer switch and its work process. Take a look and learn why a generator transfer switch is important for you!

What is a Transfer Switch
We know you are here to learn “how does generator transfers switch work.” But before that, you must learn what a transfer switch is and why it is designed. In short, a transfer switch is an electrical switch that can help you transfer the power. It helps in switching one load between two different sources.
Types of Transfer Switches for Generator
Now that you have learned what transfer switch is, we would like to discuss the transfer switch types for your generator so that you can pick up which one you like.

Manual Transfer Switch
The MTS or Manual Transfer switch is usually added to right beside the load center of your house. In this case, for switching the load between two sources, you have to work by yourself and switch it between them manually. This is comparatively inexpensive.
Also, you can install the manual transfer switch without too much effort as this is usually small-sized. However, keep in mind that it takes time for switching the power as you need to work manually here.
Automatic Transfer Switches
On the other hand, the work of the automatic generator transfer Switch or ATS doesn’t require any manual switching. You can add this up with the standby generators that are permanently installed. In this case, if there is any power outage, the generator will be switched on automatically for providing your electrical power.
This is mostly used in businesses and industries. As you do not need to work manually here, it makes life easier. But if you are switching to an ATS, keep in mind that it requires high installation fabrication. And so, you have to pay extra for buying it along with installing it!
Generator Transfer Switch Working Process
In short, if you divide the generator transfer switch, you will find three different connections. These are the main connections here. One of these connections is for the load. On the other hand, one goes to the mains. And the last one goes to the generator.
Now, you have to focus on the connection to the load. Yes, it remains as it is. But here, the connection swaps between the generator and the load. At the same time, it ensures that the connection does not connect both the generator and the load.
In the manual transfer switch, you have to turn the switch. In some cases, it’s a handle. All you need to do is turn it in when you need to switch between the generator and the mains. With the help of this, the generator will get turned on. On the other hand, when it comes to the automatic generator transfer switches, the work of switching it works automatically. Which means you do not have to turn it on manually?
In a transfer switch, there is the main breaker. In short, it helps in swapping the power source to the generator from the utility power. Now, if you think that you can easily connect the building to the utility power and also the generator, it is not possible. The work of the main breaker is the transmission of power. It transfers it from a source to another one.
Otherwise, the generator power would have back-fed via the utility lines. Along with this, the vice-versa situation would have happened too. The utility power would have back-fed inside your generator.
The transfer switch you are using will include some specific circuits. With the help of loads, you can easily power various rooms along with the devices! However, it is tough for a generator to power everything of every circuit together.
This completely depends on the size of the generator you are using. And when you are dealing with these problems, a transfer switch can come to your aid. With the help of this, you can swap between the loads and make it work! We will give you’re a short example for understanding this better. If there is a power outage and you want to run the AC instead of the washing machine, all you need to do is turn it off.
You have to go through the circuit that is powering your washing machine. First, you have to turn it off, and then you have to go through the AC and turn on the circuit powering here! And in this way, you can transfer the electricity from one device or room to another. If you have a power switch, you can easily increase the effectiveness of your generator. It is also easy to manage the power usage when you get your hands on a transfer switch.
The Work of a Transfer Switch
If you want a safe way for connected a generator in your house, you should always provide a transfer switch importance. Along with this, working with power usage is easy when you have one of these. Yes, you can always go for some generator extension cords so that you can provide power. But don’t you think it’s a hassle? It is of course a hassle! Along with this, it takes a lot of time for you to run here and there with the extension cord.
And if you are with a transfer switch, it gets easy for you to power the devices and rooms faster than the extension cord. It works through the wiring system of your house and lets you switch on devices effortlessly. On the other hand, if you are using well pumps or you have furnaces, there’s no way you can add an extension cord to connect the device with the generator. In such cases, too, a transfer switch is bliss!
And if you are with a transfer switch, it gets easy for you to power the devices and rooms faster than the extension cord. It works through the wiring system of your house and lets you switch on devices effortlessly. On the other hand, if you are using well pumps or you have furnaces, there’s no way you can add an extension cord to connect the device with the generator. In such cases, too, a transfer switch is bliss!
Wrap Up
No, not all homes have a generator. But if you have one, make sure you have a transfer switch too! Even if you have a small generator, you can always rely on the transfer switch. All you require is to understand if the manual one is better for you or the automatic one! And then you are free to buy!
Don’t forget to check out our site so that you can always pick up the right home equipment for you! And when it is about the transfer switch, you must choose the right one!
I’m James. The author of It’s been my passion to deal with power tools and gears. This website is mainly to talk about electrical wirings, lighting, various power source tools and accessories. I want to explore tackles and help people to grow their basic knowledge about electrical things. I would also like to help people to pick the right power tool for their daily needs.